The Bread of Peace

July 25, 2023 00:29:24
The Bread of Peace
Friendship CRC: Sermons
The Bread of Peace

Jul 25 2023 | 00:29:24


Hosted By

Tim Holwerda Dan Kinnas

Show Notes

This Sunday morning we continue our series on food by reflecting on an interesting story from the life of King David. In this story, David is about to take vengeance on a man named Nabal because he has dealt with David in evil fashion. However, before David can shed blood, Nabal's wife Abigail meets David and his army with a large meal and other gifts. Through this, and Abigail's wise words, David calms down and avoids bloodshed. We are aware of how hunger can often make us act in rash or poor ways in our lives, and of how eating and sharing a table in good company can give some peace to us. As God provides peace to us through eating, it is a reminder of the larger ways he provides peace to us in our relationship with him and with each other.

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