Faith and Fight

March 26, 2023 00:32:36
Faith and Fight
Friendship CRC: Sermons
Faith and Fight

Mar 26 2023 | 00:32:36


Hosted By

Tim Holwerda Dan Kinnas

Show Notes

This Sunday morning we continue our Lenten series following Jesus' journey to the cross in the closing chapters of Mark. It is now Tuesday evening in Bethany and the reactions to Jesus are growing stronger as Jesus draws closer to the cross. On the one hand are the religious leaders and Judas Iscariot, who are fighting against Jesus. On the other hand are people like Simon the leper, and the unnamed woman who anoints Jesus' feet. They are responding to Jesus with faith. These reactions call us to think about how we will respond to Jesus: will we fight against him, or put our faith in him?

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