This Sunday morning we continue our Lenten series zooming in on the week of Jesus' life leading up to the cross. In this text we see Jesus cursing a fig tree, cleansing the temple, and teaching his disciples about prayer. All of these actions point to who Jesus is. The temple was the place where heaven and earth met, but now this is found in Jesus. Not responding to him in faith puts us, like the people of Israel then, in danger of judgment. Mark's witness continues to speak today that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. How are we responding to this message?
This week we continue our series on discipleship, considering this text where Peter briefly walks on the water of the sea with Jesus. This...
As we continue our series through the passion week texts in Mark, we find Jesus in prayer in Gethsemane. While Jesus' suffering on the...
It’s the final chapter of our series, and naturally the final chapter of our lives, but one we don’t often like to talk about...