Chapters of Life: A Time to Reassess

Episode 4 February 22, 2022 00:29:47
Chapters of Life: A Time to Reassess
Friendship CRC: Sermons
Chapters of Life: A Time to Reassess

Feb 22 2022 | 00:29:47


Hosted By

Tim Holwerda Dan Kinnas

Show Notes

There are always transition points which come up in our lives, but as we age, they seem to come at us with greater speed. How do we handle these transitions, and find continued purpose in our lives when our children are out of the house and we've retired from our work? In these transitions, God reminds us that he is still our God, and he is still present in our lives. He also reminds us that he still has purpose for us, that we might be blessed, and bless others in return.

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