After hearing God's initial reply, Habakkuk has more questions. How can God bring about justice upon his people through an even more unjust nation like Babylon? As God begins to reply, he points the prophet and his people to a vision of the bigger picture of what he is doing. Often in life, we can only see what is right in front of us, and sometimes, that picture can be quite grim. God reminds us that he has not abandoned us, and that he has a grand plan in mind which hasn't been diverted.
This Sunday evening we begin a new series on discipleship, focusing on the Apostle Peter and some of the texts describing his journeying of...
Table conversations tell us a lot about the people sitting around it. Jesus' conversations at the last supper tell us that his death on...
This Sunday morning we conclude our series reflecting on some of the sayings or teachings of Jesus which are more difficult for us to...