This Sunday morning we turn to the call of Jeremiah the prophet found in Jeremiah chapter 1. Jeremiah's call is specific, but also reminds all of us that God knows us and has a purpose for us. We all deal with doubts from time to time about what we can actually do, or how we could ever do it, but God's reassurance to Jeremiah should reassure us as well. God not only know us and calls us, but also empowers us to do what he has called us to do.
This Sunday morning we continue our series about God's provision of food. In this story we see the prophet Elijah at the end of...
This Sunday morning we conclude our series on food by reflecting on Jesus' feeding of the 5,000 in Matthew. This event happens because of...
After hearing God's initial reply, Habakkuk has more questions. How can God bring about justice upon his people through an even more unjust nation...