As we continue our series through the passion week texts in Mark, we find Jesus in prayer in Gethsemane. While Jesus' suffering on the cross is quite evident, we can already see his suffering here as he prays before God the Father. In this moment, we also see how Jesus will face all that is to come - because he knows it is his Father's will. As Jesus is in prayer in the garden, we are in awe of his enduring all of this for our sake. We also are led to follow Jesus in our lives in the way we pray and face our own sufferings.
In Acts 15 we see that from almost the very beginning, the early church had to wrestle with issues over which they disagreed. Even...
Judges begins with a pair of introductions, which orient the reader as to what will follow in the rest of the book. This particular...
As the conversation between God and the prophet draws to a close, God gives Habakkuk a vision of the fulfillment of his promise in...